wpDataTables Lifetime Deal

wpDataTables Lifetime Deal

wpDataTables Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Build responsive tables, charts, and graphs for your WordPress posts or pages that you can edit in the frontend and backend ✔ Customize your table with premium features like responsiveness, conditional formatting, multi-criteria filtering, and more ✔ Best for Developers, Web design agencies, Web designers wpDataTables is a premium plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily create responsive tables, graphs, and charts for your website. With wpDataTables, you can quickly create tables and charts by providing the data and configuring the settings without the need for complicated coding. The plugin offers endless customization options, including language, skin, font, and colors. It also provides advanced features such as responsive design, conditional formatting, and multi-criteria filtering. Additionally, you can create simple tables within the plugin that are functional and look great on all devices, with the ability to merge cells, style each cell differently, and add star ratings. wpDataTables supports various data input sources such as MySQL query, Google Sheets, PHP array, JSON, and XML. The integration with Google Sheets API allows for automatic syncing of previously created and shared Google Sheets in wpDataTables, as well as creating tables from private Sheets. Furthermore, you can easily edit tables from both the WordPress back-end and front-end, and control user permissions for viewing or editing table data on published pages. The plugin also offers a Chart Creation Wizard to create customizable charts with rendering engines like Google Charts, Highcharts, or Chart.js, with options for pie, bar, line, spline, and more chart types. You can live-edit your chart and preview it in real time before saving and inserting it into your website.

Create WordPress tables and charts

wpDataTables Lifetime Deal is a premium plugin that lets you quickly create responsive tables, graphs, and charts for your WordPress pages.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Private Deals | Status: Available

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