VoiceGenie Lifetime Deal

VoiceGenie Lifetime Deal

VoiceGenie Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Automate sales calls with an AI-powered voice assistant that can engage in human-like conversations ✔ Automate lead qualification and focus on the most promising prospects ✔ Best for SaaS, Sales managers, Virtual assistants VoiceGenie is an AI voicebot platform designed to streamline sales calls by engaging in human-like conversations, automating lead qualification, and focusing on the most promising prospects. This platform allows users to create a generative AI-powered voice assistant, customize its name, gender, accent, and scripts, and generate scripts automatically or use template scripts. VoiceGenie also enables the management of automated engagement campaigns to develop deeper relationships with prospects, call multiple users automatically, and personalize sales calls with dynamic scripts that integrate relevant details about the prospects. With integrations like Twilio, GDPR-compliant features, and AI capabilities, VoiceGenie aims to maximize campaign performance and scale businesses stress-free for SaaS, sales managers, and virtual assistants.

Scale your business with voicebots

VoiceGenie Lifetime Deal is a voicebot platform that helps boost lead qualification, product marketing, and sales with generative AI-powered voice assistants.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Available

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