Taku Lifetime Deal

Taku Lifetime Deal

Taku Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Engage and convert your users with perfectly timed notifications powered by AI ✔ Maximize conversion and engagement rates without compromising user experience ✔ Best for Ecommerce, SaaS, Small businesses Drive traffic to your website and engage users with Taku, an all-in-one solution for delivering perfectly timed and tailored popups, banners, or modals using AI to maximize conversion and enhance user experience. Craft various messages, add media, forms, buttons, polls, and customize their appearance, while controlling the order of message displays, targeting specific user groups, and setting the frequency of message re-triggering. Use proven templates for popular scenarios such as special offers, email list expansion, and sharing exciting news. With Taku, you can convert and engage users without compromising user experience, making it ideal for Ecommerce, SaaS, and small businesses.

Convert and engage your users with AI powered popups

Taku Lifetime Deal from Appsumo is the all-in-one solution for engaging and connecting with your users.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Available

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