Qura Lifetime Deal

Qura Lifetime Deal

Qura Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Generate personalized replies and repurpose YouTube videos for X and LinkedIn with one click. ✔ Engage with your target audience on X and LinkedIn in your brand voice effortlessly. ✔ Best for influencers, social media managers, and solopreneurs. Qura is an AI social media copilot that helps influencers, social media managers, and solopreneurs engage with their target audience on X and LinkedIn. With AI-powered social media replies, Qura can generate personalized responses in various tones to match your brand voice with just one click. It also repurposes YouTube videos into bite-sized posts for X and LinkedIn, allowing users to effortlessly share engaging content consistently. Additionally, Qura enables users to turn their most popular YouTube videos into engaging X threads in seconds and establish themselves as thought leaders on LinkedIn. With integrations for LinkedIn and Twitter, GDPR-compliant features, and AI capabilities, Qura streamlines social media engagement and content repurposing for a more effective online presence.

Leverage AI for social media growth

Qura Appsumo Lifetime Deal is an AI assistant that can help you engage with your audience, create content, and expand your presence on social media platforms like X and LinkedIn.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Available

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