IKI.AI Lifetime Deal

IKI.AI Lifetime Deal

IKI.AI Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Build a digital library packed with various types of files and use an AI copilot to study and analyze the content. ✔ Fetch information, absorb knowledge, ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and more with your own AI copilot. ✔ Best for consultants, educators, and small businesses. ✔ Alternative to Evernote, Notion IKI.AI is a digital library and AI copilot that allows users to build a library with Figma files, PDFs, webpages, and YouTube videos, integrating with Dropbox, Google Drive, and Notion. The AI copilot can fetch info, absorb knowledge, research concepts, answer questions, and generate reports. Users can import files from various sources, save webpages using the Chrome extension, and drop in YouTube links and other important URLs to build a comprehensive digital library. The AI copilot enables users to ask questions, extract key ideas, and conduct research, turning knowledge into answers. Additionally, users can create collections around specific topics, projects, or brands and share them with their team, clients, or peers using a custom GPT interface.

Build an LLM-powered research library

IKI.AI Appsumo Lifetime Deal is a digital assistant that can gather information, acquire knowledge, research topics, answer queries, and produce reports. Alternative to Evernote, Notion.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Available

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