Email Meter Lifetime Deal

Email Meter Lifetime Deal

Email Meter Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Get important email KPIs, like response time and email volume, without installing a CRM or support ticketing system ✔ Analyze emails to track customer relationships and monitor team performance ✔ Best for Customer support, Remote teams, Sales managers Email Meter is a powerful email analytics platform for Gmail users, providing essential KPIs to enhance productivity. By analyzing Gmail headers and metadata, it generates comprehensive reports on metrics such as email volumes, top interactions, and busiest hours. Users can connect the tool to their Gmail account and access two years of email statistics, enabling strategic improvements. The dashboard offers a holistic view of productivity metrics with intuitive charts and graphs. Advanced filters allow for detailed analysis by adjusting dates and filtering by domain, address, label, status, Gmail tab, subject, and more. This level of precision enables customization of reports and clear KPI definition, leading to the identification of new trends and opportunities. Additionally, team members can be invited to gain insights into their performance, facilitating comparisons of productivity metrics and enabling high-impact changes such as reducing response times. The platform also allows for exporting email data to CSV files for further analysis in other tools, offering a seamless integration with existing business processes while potentially replacing cumbersome CRM and support ticketing systems.

Maximize productivity for Gmail

Email Meter Lifetime Deal from Appsumo is an email analytics platform that provides critical KPIs to maximize productivity for Gmail users.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Ending Soon

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