DeskSense Lifetime Deal

DeskSense Lifetime Deal

DeskSense Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ DeskSense is an AI-powered personal assistant that offers productivity enhancement, problem-solving, and content creation tools. ✔ It provides AI Image Generation, AI-Image Analyzer, and AI File Summarizer in all plans. ✔ Best for professionals and casual users looking for a versatile AI assistant across various platforms. ✔ Alternative to Merlin, Voila DeskSense is an AI-powered personal assistant that aims to revolutionize technology interaction across platforms by harnessing advanced AI models like GPT4, Claude 3.0 & Gemini Pro. It offers tools for content creation, problem-solving, and productivity enhancement, including text-based results, AI Image Generation, AI-Image Analyzer, and AI File Summarizer in all plans. Accessible on Google Chrome/Edge Extension, web app, and mobile app, DeskSense features include instant access on any website, tone and emoji generation in responses, switching between AI models, saving results as cards with editing and sharing options, tackling complex Excel formulas, crafting emails, and creating social media posts.

AI-powered personal assistant

DeskSense Lifetime Deal is an AI-powered personal assistant that aims to revolutionize how we interact with technology across various platforms. Alternative to Merlin, Voila.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Dealify | Status: Available

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