CodeDesign Lifetime Deal

CodeDesign Lifetime Deal

CodeDesign Lifetime Deal


Key Features

• CodeDesign is an AI assisted building platform with AI-powered design and content generation capabilities. • This unique feature streamlines the creation process, making it faster and more efficient, while also catering to individual user needs and preferences. • You can publish your website on CodeDesign. The published website will be hosted in CodeDesign and you can also connect your custom domain. • Alternative to 10Web, Brizy, Dorik CodeDesign offers an AI-powered website builder that allows users to launch, host and validate their websites in just a few minutes. The platform has been used to create over 41,000 projects and is available through a lifetime deal with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Users can cancel anytime and no credit card is required. The platform offers cloud hosting, SEO optimization, and the ability to publish anywhere or export to code. Users can also take advantage of CodeDesign’s no-code capabilities to customize and edit designs exactly the way they want them. The platform also includes an AI Magic feature that can be used to create flawless marketing copy. All designs are automatically responsive and can be easily customized for mobile devices.

AI website builder

CodeDesign Lifetime Deal is the game-changing AI web builder that makes creating stunning, responsive websites with ease. Alternative to 10Web.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Private Deals | Status: Available

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