ClickFreeze Lifetime Deal

ClickFreeze Lifetime Deal

ClickFreeze Lifetime Deal


Key Features

✔ Eliminate fraudulent traffic from bots, click farms, and fake users to improve ad performance ✔ Get a live snapshot of your traffic fraud level on a user-friendly dashboard ✔ Best for Marketers, Marketing agencies, SaaS ✔ Alternative to Cloudflare ClickFreeze is the solution to combat click fraud and optimize ad spend, providing a user-friendly dashboard to track fraudulent traffic from bots, click farms, and fake users. By setting up tracking URLs for Google Ad campaigns, marketers and agencies can easily identify bad actors and bots while receiving real-time updates on fraudulent clicks across all campaigns. ClickFreeze automatically adds offending IP addresses to a block list using Google API, saving thousands of dollars on ad spend by detecting fraud and protecting against dangerous users, blacklisted users, fake VPNs, proxies, and IP addresses. Additionally, it allows the addition of a tracking pixel to monitor traffic quality on websites and assigns custom domains or IDs to receive updates about fake website visitors across multiple ad campaigns. With the ability to request refunds from Google for bad traffic, ClickFreeze is the platform to eliminate fraudulent traffic and maximize revenue.

Click fraud protection for ads

ClickFreeze Lifetime Deal protects your ad campaigns against fake clicks and bots to improve performance and optimize ad spend. Alternative to Cloudflare.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Source: Appsumo | Status: Available

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